lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014


As you well know, Henry VIII was Elizabeth's father.
Write a short profile of this amazing character. Use the next websites if necessary.
NAME:Henry Tudor
BORN:28 June 1491,Greenwich Palace
PARENTS: Edmund Tudor and Lady Margaret Beaufort
CROWNED: 30th October 1485
RELIGION : Catholic
CHILDREN: Elizabeth of York, Arthur, Prince of Wales, Margaret, Queen of Scots, Henry VIII of England, Elizabeth Tudor, Mary, Queen of France, Edmund Tudor Duke of Somerset, Katherine Tudor
HOBBIES : jousting ,archry ,music,hunting,wresling,and athlete
DIED : 21th April 1509
REIGNED : 22th August 1485 - 21th April 1509
BURIED :16 February 1547, St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle


Illustrations :
(1)Henry VIII by Hans Holbein the Younger - The Royal Collection
(2)Henry at approx. age 40. by Joos van Cleeve - The Royal Collection
(3)A portrait of Henry by Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543) made c. 1536. Madrid, the Thyseen-Bornemisza Collection
(4)Detail of Henry VIII by Hans Holbein the Younger - The Royal Collection


2. Describe Romeo and Juliet as you may imagine them. Then, make a drawing to illustrate your description .



- The only son of the Montague family: Romeo

- The only daughter of the Capulet family: Julieta

- The governor of Verona: Count Paris

- Juliet's cousin: Tybalt

- Romeo's friend: Mercutio

- Juliet's fiancé: Romeo

- The woman who looked after Juliet: Rosaline

- Romeo's friend and teacher, a priest: Friar Lawrence

- Romeo's servant: Baltasar

- The friar who had to go to Mantua: Friar Lawrence

- The queen of the fairies, of the dreams: Queen Mab


3. This is the plan of Shakespeare's Birthplace.
Read the description provided in the following website
and then write the name of each room in the appropiate place.
Birthplace - ground floorFirst floor - chambers 


2. By using the former websites, identify the following buildings. Match each picture with the names on the left.
1. Shakespeare's Birthplace
2. Mary Arden's house
3. Anne Hathaway's Cottage
4. Edward VI Grammar School
5. New Place
6. Hall's Croft
7. Holy Trinity Chruch
 Hall's Croft
Anne Hathaway's Cottage  New Place
 Edward VI Grammar SchoolShakespeare's Birthplace 

Holy Trinity Chruch

Mary Arden's house


1. Search the websites provided and define the buildings related to William Shakespeare, by using the appropiate relative clause.

Shakespeare's Birthplace is the house where he lived
Mary Arden's house is the place where lived Shakespeare mother
Anne Hathaway's cottage is the place where lived Shakespeare wife
Nash House is the house next door to the ruins and gardens of William Shakespeare's final residence, New Place.
Hall's Croft is Susanna Hall, and her husband Dr John Hall house Edward VI Grammar School is Shakespeare school
Holy Trinity Church is the place of baptism and burial of William Shakespeare

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014



0. When was William Shakespeare born? Where?
-He was born in 26th of April 1564 on Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.
1. Write the names of William Shakespeare’s parents. Who were they?
- His father: John Shakespeare he was from Stratford. And his mother: Mary Arden she was from Stratford too.
2. Write the name of his wif . When did they get married?
- Her wife called Anne Hathaway. They get married In November 1582.
3. Write the names of his three children. What happened to them?
- Susanna Hall, Hamnet Shakespeare and Judith Quiney. Hamnet died when he was 9 for unknow causes.
4. What was the name of his hometown?
- His hometown calls Warwickshire.
5. Write the names of the buildings in his hometown related to him.
 - In Warwickshire, Stratford-upon-Avon there are so many monuments to Shakespeare. One of then are: Shakespeare’s funerary monument, statue, her birthplace…
 6. Where did he study?
- He studied in a school of her town.
7. Did he go to university?
-No he didn’t. He had to leave her studys at age 14 for family economy.
8. Why did he leave his family and hometown to go to London?
- He leaved Stratford to London to work as an actor and playwright
9. How many plays had he written when he arrived in London?
- Venus and Adonis, Taming of the Shrew, Two Gentelmen of Verona, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Romeo and Juliet, Richard II, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, King John, The Merchant of Venice, Henry IV, Part I, Henry IV, part II…
 10. When can we find the first reference to Shakespeare in the literary world of London?
- In 1593 when he wrote Venus and Adonis.
11. When he was in London, he was an actor and playwritght who belonged to the company called Lord Chamberlain's Men, which had been founded by Lord Chamberlain and whose theatre was called King's Men. They had the best actor and the best dramatist, William Shakespeare .
 12. When and where did he die?
 - He died in the 23th of April of 1616 in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.
13. When and where did his wife die?
- She died on the 6th of August of 1623 at aged 67 in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.
14. Where is he buried?
- He was buried in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford upon Avon in Warwickshire.
15. What did his will state?
- Shakespeare left the bulk of his large estate to his elder daughter Susanna.

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014


Pg. 38
Nº.1 Xarxes socials
Obre el navegador i visualitza el vídeo que trobaràs a l’adreça que tens a: Després respon aquestes preguntes:
     a)       Per a què serveix l’hipertext?
     b)       Quin propòsit té el llenguatge XML?
     c)       Quin significat té l’expressió <nosaltres som la xarxa>?
     d)       Què ens explica del Web 2.0?
     e)       A la web on es pot visualitzar aquest vídeo, hi ha alguna manera de participar-hi? Raona la resposta.
Nº.2 Fem un cop d’ull a les xarxes socials
1.       Obre dos navegadors i entra als webs que trobaràs a
2.       Analitza les possibilitats que tens de participar en cadascun d’ells.

3.       En aquesta mena de webs sempre hi ha la possibilitat de registrar-s’hi. Quins avantatges trobes que té fer-ho?

Pg. 39
Nº.3 Segurs a la xarxa
En aquest taller aprendrem a navegar d’una forma més segura per la xarxa a través d’un divertit joc de Trivial.
1.       Obre un navegador i entra a la web
2.       Llegeix les tres preguntes que apareixen en la pàgina i anota-les
3.       Accedeix a l’enllaç Navega segur i juga al trivial que apareix sol o amb grup, segons t’indiqui el professor.
4.       Quan acabeu el joc anoteu el temps i les estadístiques d’encert de cadascú.

Nº.6 Quin d’aquests tipus d’eina utilitzaries per dur a terme les tasques següents:
a)       Parlar amb un familiar que viu lluny à missatgeria instantània
b)       Escriure un diari personal à blocs
c)       Elaborar un treball de Tecnologies en grup àElaboració de documents de forma col·laborativa
d)       Organitzar un debat entre els companys de classe àFòrums o grups de discussió
e)       Col·laborar a la Viquipèdia à wikis
f)        Preguntar dubtes sobre informàtica à Fòrums o grups de discussió
g)       Publicar articles sobre esport à Blocs
h)       Crear una presentació amb el teu professor o professora à Elaboració de documents de forma col·laborativa
Nº.7 Què significa l’expressió informàtica en núvol?  A qualsevol lloc del mon pots veure, treballar o consultar el que vulguis a internet és com un nuvol, hi és a tot arreu.

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

William Shakespeare Biography

ITC 22/9/2014

My name is Júlia.
In this moment i'm in informatic class, the teacher shows us how work the blog.
I love music and play the guitar, my favorites styles of music are: ska, reggae, rock, indie, hip-hop, rap, punk...
This is all today, bye!